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4 tips to increase the efficiency of your leasing business

Manual data work isn’t part of a modern company that wants to move the business forward. But, it can be hard to move the employees from the photocopier and out into the field – where do you start when you have to digitalize your business and increase efficiency?

June 20, 2022
By Jan Johannes Kyhnæb


Download our cheat sheet to get an overview of the most asked questions from customers which helps to create structure in your communication to provide better customer service.

First and foremost, you must have a strategy for digitalization the business and automatization of processes – afterwards you must ensure that you have the right technology that can rise to the challenge. We’ll give you four pieces of advice on how you can make progress in your digital transformation:


#1 Get your employees onboard the digital journey

It can be difficult to make digital progress within an organization. One thing is technology and processes, but another thing is the culture among employees. Therefore, it’s important to have strong leaders that can lead the way for employees who, for different reasons, may have reservations about the technological shift.


#2 Create digital goals – and become successful

It may be difficult to estimate the ROI on a digital investment. Be sure to make a thorough business analysis of what you can expect to gain in terms of cost savings, improvements in your customer satisfaction, and increased sales. Create digital goals that will help you evaluate your progress - and where to adjust your processes. This could for example be getting an information flow ensuring knowledge sharing among the employees. Or reducing the number of human errors.


#3 Get an overview

To get the maximum out of your digitalization, you must evaluate your scope across the entire company. Automated sales activities will for example affect other parts of your business – and you must take that into consideration. The same is applicable to your human resources, in which you must be able to manage the organization and its needs, as well as have insight into your customers’ behavior and needs. The review often shows that you need to examine both formal and informal work flows and refine processes – and sometimes also your business and operations structure.


#4 Choose your focus area carefully

To make use of the digitalization potential in an optimum manner, you must examine different low hanging fruit areas of the business. It’s a good place to start, because it rarely entails any big risk, in turn it has a lot of potential and it gives you the opportunity to learn along the way during the implementation. That could for example be to experiment by sending out e-mails to a certain customer lists – depending on how far along they are with their leasing contract. This will increase your level of customer service.

When you are going to optimize your processes, you must begin with making sure that you don’t bite more off than you can chew, but at the same time create ambitious goals. Otherwise, you’ll run the risk of not utilizing your digital investments. Remember that your focus areas can change over time.


Think of your digital journey as a long process that presumably will never end, but always be changing - concurrently with the development of your business. However, one thing is for sure: no matter where you are on your digital journey, you will eventually reap the benefit; the fact that your employees use less time copying contracts and moving data physically and more time on being there for your customers.


Control communication with your customers

A place to start is to look at your customer communication. They often ask the same questions and need the same information in a certain order. Meeting your customers’ demands for fast and efficient answers, you can provide a great experience when doing business with you. You can even standardize your answers and beat your customers to it by proactively ensuring the productive dialogue.

We’ve created a cheat sheet that gives you’re an overview of the most asked questions from both private and business leasing customers.  

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